Senator Kent Conrad, (D-N.D), said, “if people don’t believe in our system, maybe they ought to go somewhere else.” He said this in response to a question concerning trying terrorists like KFC, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. On November the 19th CNSNews asked Conrad, “We’re going to have a civilian trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. If our […]
The official web site,, where the government is showing where the “stimulus” money went really is very transparent. We have never witnessed this level of in your face transparency by the US government in my life time. This administration is blatantly transparent in showing us, as taxpayers, that they can use, misuse and steal […]
Our man-child president has said, “This is a prosecutorial decision as well as a national security decision”. This was said following the announcement by the attorney general that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other al Qaeda terrorists will be allowed to go through the court system in New York City. They will be put on trial […]