Have You Made Enough Money?
Obama will tell you when you have.
In a speech about financial reform, given in Quincy, IL, Obama said,
“Now, what we’re doing — I want to be clear, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”
The exact reason that Obama is pushing financial reform is because he does begrudge success. He wants to spread the wealth around just like he told Joe the Plumber. He wants to put a cap on success. This cap won’t be conscious of whether the success is fairly acquired or not. He will punish success in any way that he can do so.
This is unadulterated Marxism being mouthed by the President of the United States of America. If you read or listened to this speech and said, “Yes, Mr. President, you are right, some people do make too much money and this needs to stop”, please remember that you could be in his cross hairs as well. How much money is enough or how much money is too much? Only Obama knows the amount.
Only the Marxist elitist will know when you and I have made enough money and need to be cut off or give the rest of our income to his regime so that it can be spread to those who are less fortunate.
This is NOT how an American loving, patriotic, and red white and blue waving president of the United States speaks about private individual’s income. This is the empty headed ramblings of our Marxist regime leader, Barrack Hussein Obama. This regime must be resisted at every level to slow down the damage that they are doing to the very fabric of our society.
Now is not the time for compromise. If you compromise with the Devil he will promise you a cooler place in Hell, and even if he could deliver on this promise, you’ll still be in Hell. Just as there can be no compromise with the Devil, there can be no compromise with the Marxists in our country who are lead by Barrack Hussein Obama. Now is the time for peaceful, but very vocal resistance of everything this regime is trying to do to our great nation.
Our founding fathers wrote the greatest document ever written by man without direct inspiration from the Holy Spirit of God. We are allowing men who lack the moral character, wisdom, and goodness that were possessed by our founders, to re-make this incredible document into something of which Karl Marx and Mao would be proud. The Constitution of the United States of America is NOT a living, breathing document. It says what it says and what it means doesn’t change with every whim of leftist fanatics and dictatorial zealots. This document is to be protected by all who hold this country dear.
Exit Question: Are conservatives ready for a battle royal where we find out who the true conservative patriots are?
Tweets that mention Food For Thought» Food For Thought -- Topsy.com | April 30th, 2010 at 11:19 AM #
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pierre Kandorfer PhD, Marty Griffith. Marty Griffith said: Have you made enough money? Obama will tell you when you have. http://ow.ly/1FcuA […]
Tweets that mention Food For Thought» Food For Thought -- Topsy.com | April 30th, 2010 at 11:27 PM #
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ERIN, Cynthia L. Durham, Debra McKinney, Marty Griffith, Pierre Kandorfer PhD and others. Pierre Kandorfer PhD said: RT @MartyGriffith: Have you made enough money? Obama will tell you when you have. http://ow.ly/1FcuA […]