No One Can Prove That Obama Is a Socialist?
Let Me Count the Ways
In this “interview”, Harry Smith makes the bogus remark that on talk radio Obama is classified as a socialist and a Nazi. It is true that the big three talk radio hosts have classified Obama properly as a socialist. Of course the big three talk radio hosts are Rush, Hannity and Levin. At least one of the big three has examined Obama’s takeover of the health industry in comparison to Hitler’s Nazi party’s takeover of the health industry in Germany.
Rush is the one who compared Obama’s takeover of the health system of the United States to the Nazi takeover of the health system in Germany. Rush was very careful in pointing out that he was only making a comparison of socialistic takeovers and was not classifying Obama as a Nazi.
Obama: “This is based on what, this notion that Obama’s a socialist for example? Nobody can really give you a good answer”.
So nobody can give a good answer as to what makes you a socialist slime ball Mr. Obama?
Let me count the ways.
1.) Obama stayed in a church for 20 years that proclaimed the false gospel of Black Liberation Theology, which is Marxism dressed up in a Bible cover and using some Bible terminology. A non-socialist, non-Marxist would have run for the door during the first sermon.
2.) Takeover of auto industry, GM 61% and a stake in Chrysler at 6%
3.) Takeover of a portion of the banking industry CitiGroup 27%, GMAC 56%
3.) Takeover of insurance company AIG 79%
4.) complete takeover of federal student loans
5.) takeover of healthcare industry and mandate to purchase health coverage
Obama’s defense of being called a socialist for his takeover of the health industry is a childish defense at best. His excuse was basically, “Mitt Romney did it first”.
It is true that Mitt Romney did this type of health care takeover in Massachusetts. This lame defense only proves that the socialist tag fits Obama because it also fits the takeover of the Massachusetts health care system. Just because a Republican did something foolish and socialistic doesn’t make Obama’s takeover of the health care system of the entire country any less socialistic and foolish.
Obama also refers to himself in the third person at times, which suggests what I have suspected for some time, which is that Obama refuses to live in reality and is narcissistic and delusional. Even in his State of the Union address, Obama talked much more about himself than he spoke about the Union. It seems that it is ALL about him as he used the personal pronoun, “I”, 96 times in just 72 minutes.
Exit Observation: You would almost think that Obama doesn’t know what a socialist is, since he so obviously is one but says that he is not a socialist. However, he has studied socialism under Saul Alinsky, Marxist theology under Jeremiah Wright along with Jim Wallis, and has many communist friends including Van Jones.
So my belief is that Obama does know a socialist when he sees one and he knows that when he looks into the mirror he is seeing a crafty socialist indeed. A crafty socialist is still a moron.
Food For Thought» Food For Thought | May 2nd, 2010 at 5:09 AM #
[…] It is sad that a president of the United States thinks he has to defend himself against name calling. President Obama can only say, “Don’t call me a socialist, it really hurts my little feelings”. He cannot give us proof that he is not a socialist, while there is plenty of proof that he IS indeed a socialist, […]
Food For Thought » Blog Archive » The Truth Shall Set You Free | May 19th, 2010 at 10:51 AM #
[…] An often quoted Bible principle is, “The truth shall set you free”. Most of the time it is quoted, it is a terrible misuse of scripture. 2 + 2=4 is truth, but has it set anyone free? That Obama is a left wing socialist is truth, but has that truth really set anyone free? […]
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