Obama is Always a Politician – Never a Statesman
President Barack Hussein Obama gave a commencement speech at the University Of Michigan on Saturday, May 1, 2010. Most commencement addresses are basically a motivational speech to send the graduates off into the real world with a can-do attitude and some good old fashioned advice from a source of wisdom. Well, so much for what usually happens at a commencement. With Obama you will get neither good cheer nor wisdom.
Not until the very end of the speech did Obama give a hint of addressing people that were graduating from the university where he was speaking. The speech’s intended audience seemed to be the President’s Democrat base in an effort to assuage his voters, and an effort to discredit those who disagree with the direction the President is taking the country.
I could go line by line, dissecting this speech and proving it to be pure drivel, literally from beginning to end, but the sanity of both writer and reader would be stretched thin by such an exercise. A good, well thought out speech could withstand such magnification, but this speech would bore to tears anyone who would undertake such an endeavor.
I do have one particular part of the speech that I would like to place under the microscope of truth, but before I do, please indulge me in an observation of the speech. The main thing that catches my eye in the speech is that Obama like most leftist Democrats, is confused as to the very government that he has sought to oversee and the very constitution that he has vowed to uphold and protect.
In the speech Obama refers to our constitutional form of government as democracy several times such as when he said,
“First of all, American democracy has thrived”.
Of course we have a Republic and not a democracy. The Democrats of course bemoan the Republican form of government when it doesn’t fit their fancy, which is whenever they lose an election. This nuttery escalated after the 2000 election. He also calls our Republic,
“The democracy designed by Jefferson”,
which is nonsense because to our founding fathers, and Jefferson in particular, a democracy was anathema. Of a democracy, Jefferson said,
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
The portion of this screed by the president that I would like to address, however is the quote that will be shown below.
“But we can’t expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down. (Applause.) You can disagree with a certain policy without demonizing the person who espouses it. You can question somebody’s views and their judgment without questioning their motives or their patriotism. (Applause.) Throwing around phrases like “socialists” and “Soviet-style takeover” and “fascist” and “right-wing nut” — (laughter) — that may grab headlines, but it also has the effect of comparing our government, our political opponents, to authoritarian, even murderous regimes.”
Mr. President, with all due respect, you and your fellow Democrats control EVERYTHING at the moment, the presidency, majorities in both houses, and liberal activists have the majority in the Supreme Court. If your policies were the correct ones you could solve ALL of our problems no matter who is trying to “tear each other down”. Was this speech written by a third grader? Where’s that thick skin the president said that he possessed not long ago in his interview with Harry Smith of the government controlled CBS?
President Obama, your policies show us who you are and what you stand for and are a window into your soul. It is your policies themselves which demonize you. Yours are not the policies of someone who stands with America’s founding. Yours are the policies that attempt to radically change our form of government and our way of life. It is impossible to distance you from your policies. When you continue to say that you support free markets, but continue to take over industries, we can only be left with the facts that you stand against the free market and that you are a liar. If this demonizes you than I suggest you stop lying and that you actually support the free market system that you yourself demonize through your socialistic policies.
“Throwing around phrases like “socialists” and “Soviet-style takeover” and “fascist” and “right-wing nut” that may grab headlines, but it also has the effect of comparing our government, our political opponents, to authoritarian, even murderous regimes.”
It is sad that a president of the United States thinks he has to defend himself against name calling and thus drag the office of the presidency down with him. President Obama can only say, “Don’t call me a socialist, it really hurts my little feelings”. He cannot give us proof that he is not a socialist, while there is plenty of proof that he IS indeed a socialist, http://www.martygriffith.com/blog/2010/04/no-one-can-prove-that-obama-is-a-socialist.
While Lamar Alexander did say this about the takeover of student loans and giving American’s no choice of where to get a student loan, he did not compare the Obama regime to that of a soviet style takeover. If this is what the president is referring to, he is misrepresenting what was said.
“Having no choice, and the government running it all, looks more like a Soviet-style, European, and even Asian higher-education model where the government manages everything.”
This statement by Alexander was only in reference to the takeover of student loans. The takeover of our economy be the President’s regime is much more Hugo Chavez style than the armed Bolshevik Revolution takeover of the Russian government in 1917. Hugo Chavez of course was elected as president of Venezuela in 1998 with subsequent election wins resembling Chicago politics.
“has the effect of comparing our government, our political opponents, to authoritarian, even murderous regimes.”
Again, Mr. President, with all due respect for your office, classifying you as a socialist because your policies are clearly socialistic is comparing our government to murderous regimes? How so? Are you really this vapid? Are you really this much of a lightweight when it comes to a thoughtful presentation? This speech is just sad. It is full of these types of jumps in logic with no dots to connect and no effort by the president to connect the missing dots.
Exit Observation: This president makes claims to not be a partisan politician, but fails to present himself as such every time he opens his mouth.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marty Griffith. Marty Griffith said: Obama is Always a Politician; Never a Statesman. With Obama you will get neither good cheer nor wisdom. http://ow.ly/1FU8A […]