26 Aug, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton, when asked about a poll showing that the number of Americans who think the president is a Muslim is going up said, And so the President is obviously a — is Christian.  He prays every day.  He communicates with his religious advisor every single day.  There’s a group of pastors […]

10 Aug, 2010  |  Written by  |  under Politics

Elena Kagan has been confirmed even though she is the most inexperienced person to go through the confirmation process in recent history. She is actually less experienced than Harriet Miers, who Bush withdrew after a firestorm of protest from within his own party, on the basis that she was too inexperienced. Kagan was of course nominated by Barrack Hussein Obama, the most inexperienced person in any room.


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