Does Romney, Cain, or Perry have the best economic plan?  Who has a plan that will encourage corporations and small businesses to hire employees?  Whose economic plan will allow corporations to keep their money in the United States instead of protecting it from our government by hiring employees in a foreign country. Please vote in […]

18 Oct, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Politics

If the election for President of the United States of America was held today, with what you know about the candidates, who would you vote as the leader of the free world?  I know this is hypothetical and difficult to do since most of us, including me, have not made up our minds yet on […]

13 Oct, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Christianity

Much has been made the past few days about some interviews that Robert Jeffress has given in which he has stated that Mormons are not Christians and that Mormanism is a cult.  The fact of the matter is that Pastor Jeffress is 100% correct in this matter.  Mormonism has long been held by Christian theologians […]

5 Oct, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Politics

In Michael Reagan’s book, The New Reagan Revolution, Michael recounts the great impromptu speech that his father gave at the 1976 Republican Convention. Michael, in describing the speech says, My father’s convention speech could be delivered today without changing a word.  Line by line, every principle he proclaimed is as valid today as it was […]


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