He Still Speaks To Us Today

5 Oct, 2011  |  Written by  |  under Politics

In Michael Reagan’s book, The New Reagan Revolution, Michael recounts the great impromptu speech that his father gave at the 1976 Republican Convention.

Michael, in describing the speech says,

My father’s convention speech could be delivered today without changing a word.  Line by line, every principle he proclaimed is as valid today as it was then.  Why?  Because even though times may change, principles do not.

Please listen to this great speach and relive or for the first time, experience the great orator and the greatness of the mind of Ronald Reagan.

Exit Thought:  Who among the Republican candidates for President of the United States will clearly and passionately expound the truth of liberty?  Who will tell it like it is and not try to be everything to all people and simply garner the vote of those who believe in our founding father’s dream of America?  The person who will do this, will beat Obama handily and stop Michelle’s fantasy world tour.


2 Responses so far | Have Your Say!

  1. Elektrische Zahnbuerste  |  November 29th, 2011 at 2:15 PM #

    … [Trackback]…

    […] Read More: martygriffith.com/blog/2011/10/he-still-speaks-to-us-today/ […]…

    Elektrische Zahnbuerste - Gravatar
  2. mujeres  |  June 1st, 2012 at 9:04 AM #

    Valuable Web page…

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