Obama said today in remembering 9/11/2001, No single event can ever destroy who we are. Then Obama said, No act of terrorism can ever change what we stand for. Obama is actually right about this. One single event is not what is destroying the fabric of our society. Enemies, like those that attacked America September […]
Obama is a Marxist, pure and simple. Romney is a liberal Republican. While the two are not polar opposites, they are at least on opposite sides of the equator.
Also Obama lies as one who has never accomplished anything, unless you count the driving of the American economy into the worst downward spiral since the great depression as an accomplishment. This does appear to be his lone accomplishment, since he hates free enterprise and wishes to “spread the wealth around”, like one spreads manure with a spreader.
The illiteracy displayed in our society politically is breath taking. As a people, the American people have been dumbed down to the point where we “think” with our feelings. We can blame this dumbing down of society on liberals and on the liberal agenda that is pushed into our schools by the NEA, and certainly […]
Deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton, when asked about a poll showing that the number of Americans who think the president is a Muslim is going up said, And so the President is obviously a — is Christian. He prays every day. He communicates with his religious advisor every single day. There’s a group of pastors […]
This feckless president and his regime are so inept at handling real life problems that it is difficult to really describe an exact Obama Doctrine. He is a Marxist ideologue so his push toward a utopia of his fantasy world of his own design, clouds his thought process on every situation that arises and on […]
This is unadulterated Marxism being mouthed by the President of the United States of America.
Let Me Count the Ways In this “interview”, Harry Smith makes the bogus remark that on talk radio Obama is classified as a socialist and a Nazi. It is true that the big three talk radio hosts have classified Obama properly as a socialist. Of course the big three talk radio hosts are Rush, Hannity […]
Frank Marshall Davis was important enough to Barrack Obama that he included a few paragraphs about “Frank” in his book, “Dreams From My Father”. Jerome Corsi also found that he evidently sold drugs in the teenage Obama’s presence, please see http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=79467. You can Google this man’s name and find that he is a Marxist Communist. […]
It was only a matter of time until the first instance would come about where the government’s ownership of GM and Chrysler would drive the Obama administration to try to kill off competition. Bill Burton, White House spokesman, insisted that the government’s majority ownership of GM and part ownership of Chrysler, “would not have any […]
President Obummer, (sorry I still cannot say the man’s name attached to the word president), was addressing a town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire where he discussed the need to spend less during a tough economic time. Mr. President I am sick and tired of being lectured by a narcissistic, lying psychopath like you […]
Our President isn’t just any old fool, he’s the type of fool that can disregard a mountainous pile of emails being sent between scientists that show without a shadow of a doubt that man-made global warming is and always has been a fairy tale and a hoax. Personally I believe our Community Organizer in Chief […]