Let Me Count the Ways In this “interview”, Harry Smith makes the bogus remark that on talk radio Obama is classified as a socialist and a Nazi. It is true that the big three talk radio hosts have classified Obama properly as a socialist. Of course the big three talk radio hosts are Rush, Hannity […]
Of course April 1st is also known as April Fool’s Day. There is obviously no better day to recognize the wreckage caused to our great country by these irresponsible, short-sighted, childish, and IGNORANT voters. If you voted for ANY of the Democrats in either house, or if you voted for Obama for President, then this […]
Frank Marshall Davis was important enough to Barrack Obama that he included a few paragraphs about “Frank” in his book, “Dreams From My Father”. Jerome Corsi also found that he evidently sold drugs in the teenage Obama’s presence, please see http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=79467. You can Google this man’s name and find that he is a Marxist Communist. […]